Dagskrá fyrir æfingabúðir og þjálfaranámskeið 2.-7. ágúst
Eins og fram hefur komið (sjá m.a. frétt frá 19. júlí sl.) verða æfingabúðir dagana 2.-6. ágúst nk. og þjálfaranámskeið dagana 6.-7. ágúst nk. Þjálfari í búðunum og leiðbeinandi á þjálfaranámskeiðinu verður Ferenc Karsai. Ferenc Karsai er fyrrverandi þjálfari austuríska landsliðsins og er hann einn virtasti þjálfarinn í Evrópu.
Dagskrá æfingabúðanna sem fram fara í KR er eftirfarandi:
Föstudagur 2. ágúst
11:00-13:30 Æfing nr. 1
15:30 -18:00 Æfing nr. nr. 2
Laugardagur 3. ágúst
10:00-12:30 Æfing nr. 3
14:30-17:00 Æfing nr. 4
Sunnudagur 4. ágúst
09:00-12:00 Æfing nr. 5
14:00-17:00 Æfing nr. 6
Mánudagur 5. ágúst
09:00-12:00 Æfing nr. 7
Þriðjudagur 6. ágúst
09:00-12:00 Æfing nr. 8
Miðvikudagur 7. ágúst
09:00-12:00 Æfing nr. 9
Þjálfaranámskeiðið fer fram á þriðjudeginum og miðvikudeginum 6. og 7. ágúst 2019 milli kl. 17.00 og 21.00. Fer það fram á ensku.
Umfjöllunarefni þriðjudaginn 6. ágúst verða eftirfarandi:
Lecture at the tables with an Icelandic Player from the national team
- Start with introduction. Work during the decades. Challenges met with the Austian team.
- Working with individual players – different approaches for different players. Finding the playing style of player. Work on aspects of their game that are beneficial for the player. psychological aspects. How to deal with different personalities in practice and during matches.
- Working as a team. Importance of all the members invested.
- Importance of Multi ball for advancement of players.
- Different multi ball excercises with player.
1. for consistency.
2. for improvement of strokes – correct use of distances, posture and position at the table to deal with different strokes.
Umfjöllunarefni miðvikudaginn 7. ágúst verða eftirfarandi:
Lecture at the tables with an Icelandic Player from the national team
- Start with discussing the change in technique with the new plastic ball. Have tactics changed? Is the speed higher? Is rotation less?
- Different multi ball excercises with player.
3. for improvement of footwork.
3.1. back and forth.
3.2. around the table
3.3. More aspects
4. To deal with the crossover point.
5. To strengthen receive
6. To strengthen third ball attack
ÁU og II